Meet Designer To The Stars, Brandon Maxwell

As his eponymous brand lands in Harvey Nichols, Vogue talks to the man dressing some of the most famous females of the moment - as Lady Gaga's fashion director he is behind some of her most memorable red-carpet looks, and he recently dressed Michelle Obama - Brandon Maxwell.
How would you describe the Brandon Maxwell woman?
The Brandon Maxwell woman is smart, strong, confident, and powerful. 
How do you define the Brandon Maxwell aesthetic? What is the brand's unique selling point?
We design a collection that can dress all generations – from the daughter to the grandmother. We aim to keep the collection made in New York, with an incredible attention to detail and exquisite tailoring at an affordable enough pricepoint that a woman can access an amazing luxury piece such as a tailored blazer or perfect pencil pant.

You're Lady Gaga's fashion director, what process goes into creating her red-carpet looks?
It's a truly collaborative process. We sit down and bounce ideas back and forth and work together to find the look that best represents the moment. When you're also very close to the person that you are working with it is very easy and 100 per cent fun, I always enjoy the process.
Do you always agree on the choices you make?
Being that we're very close I think we always are pretty much on the same page. She's a dream to work with because the possibilities are endless and she loves fashion so much and is open to trying anything. We learn from each other and that is the best part. 

For you, what is the most memorable red-carpet look that you've ever created and what was your inspiration for it?
Each red-carpet moment is special for me. I've been very lucky to have relationships with the women that I have dressed, and I have gotten to know them during the process, which then helps me in the design process. I am inspired by women in general, so their spirit is what inspires me as I am making the dress once I get to know them. Since I am very young, nothing makes me happier than seeing a woman leave the house feeling her best, so every time we achieve that, it's memorable for me. 

How important is it to you to have strong relationships with those that you are designing for?
In terms of designing something custom, it is important that our relationship is strong enough so that she can be honest and tell me what will make her feel the most comfortable. The goal is always for the woman to feel her best, so it is my job to listen to her, what she likes and what she doesn't like, so that she is at her most comfortable when she wears the dress. I want each and every woman who steps out in Brandon Maxwell to feel confident and exceptional.
You dressed Michelle Obama recently, what was that experience like?
It was an incredible honour for me and my team to create for the first lady. Strong and elegant, she is the embodiment of the woman that inspires me to design, and a role model for women all over the world. I am very thankful for that opportunity. 

Jennifer Lawrence is among your well-known fans, how does it feel to be a go-to designer for so many famous faces?
I’m so lucky that these amazing women have chosen to wear my clothes. Each of them are smart, confident and powerful and also great role models – it’s important to me that the women who wear Brandon Maxwell are putting out a positive message for others.

