Ric Hassani Singer dishes on plan to launch a fashion line

Ric Hassani on why belts should be ditched as fashion accessory, talks plans to launch a fashion line...

Ric Hassani dishes on looking to launch a fashion line in an exclusive interview with Pulse TV.
The 'Gentleman' singer who reveals his love for grooming, staying fit and looking good speaks about his unique style and possibly a future in the fashion industry which started off as a need to make his music unique.

Hassani who thinks "to look stylish, stay off wearing belt" is loved for his unique styling of print looks in his video which has sort of become his identity reveals he's got a lot of approval to own his own fashion brand (usually after creating a collection)

"Fashion is something I arrived at. Fashion started for me when I was just trying to get a look for my music and somehow people just really like it (the style). I would think of a look and people will say it's really nice you should make this into a collection.

I never really set out to be a fashion designer, I just arrived at it, now that I've arrived it I have to make it part of my branding and my business, so I'm definitely looking into having my own fashion line" he reveals in a Pulse TV interview. The singer however wants people to focus more on his music which remains his first love at the moment.

On staying fit and staying well groomed he says; "I do a lot on the treadmill, cardio is very important and I lift weight as well but not so much as I'm already tall. I work to just be fit as against being bulk".

On everyday life

"I wake up in the morning, I rehearse my performances and workout -I have gym equipment in my house in the morning- and if there's any show or interview to attend I do those and I watch series!

On his top fashion must haves

"My glasses, which is medicated so I have to have it on which doubles as an accessory as well, my shoes as I hardly wear wristwatches or even belts" which he thinks is takes away from a stylish look as it's a bulky accessory.

He dishes on more style topics and more in the short video, watch!
