Ashley Soto 21-year-old lady turns skin disease, vitiligo, into stunning body art

vittiligo art

It's totally awesome when people turn a condition or situation which is somewhat a laughing, mocking or shameful thing into something exceptional that everyone can't but admire.

A 21-year old Florida lady, Ashley Soto, who used to be bullied and laughed at by other students in school because she has Vitiligo (a skin disease which causes white patches on the skin)  has slid out from obscurity to fame by turning this skin disease into a stunning body.
vitiligo artplay
vitiligo art
 (Caters News Agency)

She was diagnosed with the condition, which affects 1 percent of the world's population, at the age of 12 when a porcelain spot appeared on her neck. Within a year, it had spread to 75 percent of her body.
Ashley Sotoplay
Ashley Soto
 (Caters News Agency)

According to Soto, she'd always wear long-sleeved shirts and pants in an effort to conceal her skin, especially after one girl asked her why she had "showered in bleach."
She says  she hopes to help and inspire others to create beauty out of ugly. "Now what others would perceive as an imperfection I have made into something more beautiful and made it more accepted than before."
vitiligo artplay
vitiligo art

Soto started by drawing around the white patches with a black marker and discovered the shapes looked like a map of the world.  
vittiligo artplay
vittiligo art
"Tried something different this time and I absolutely fell in love seeing the different kind of art you can create with what others perceive as "imperfections" is mind blowing to me. Everytime I do markerchronicles I fall in love more and more with what I was chosen to carry. It isn't about being black or white because we're all human, we all feel the same emotions within and we all carry hearts that's what makes us the same." according to Soto
Dare to bring out the best in the worst. Be creative! Afterall, that's what art is all about.


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