Wellness Tips: 5 ways to keep the heart in a great shape

Heart disease

Heart diseases have been attributed to be causes of death in recent times

People who smoke, are overweight, don't exercise enough or have a history of heart diseases stand a higher risk of getting a heart attack which  could be deadly though most times it presents symptoms.
There are ways to keep the heart healthy and they are things a lot of people take for granted.
1. Stay active
Studies reveal an inactive lifestyle is a major cause of heart attacks. Keeping a sedentary lifestyle is a major reason a lot of people weaken the heart. It's best to stay actively doing something which helps keep the heart working.
Heart healthplay
Heart health

2. Maintain a healthy weight
Since been overweight poses a high risk of getting a heart attack, it is best to keep a healthy size. In cases where its applicable checking one's BMI is a sure way to keep weight checked.
3. Monitor blood pressure and cholesterol level
It's good to always monitor blood pressure especially with people who are active and are prone to stressful lifestyle, monitoring blood pressure helps keep an eye on how the heart is working (it shouldn't be overworked).
4. Eat healthy
Drop greasy, fast foods for healthy options.
5. Don't drink (excessively)
Drinking or smoking in excess damages organs in the body.
