Nkechi Harry Ngonadi Fashion figure looks her best in the presence of God; TW Magazine chat

Nkechi Harry Ngonadi.

TW is definitely taking bigger, bolder and daring steps in 2017. We have very good reasons to, even if our only excuse will be because March is International Women’s celebration month and April dawns with us eagerly counting down to our 10 year Anniversary. Whoop whoop!!!

Nkechi Harry Ngonadi's TW Magazine interview.play
Nkechi Harry Ngonadi's TW Magazine interview.
 (Today's Woman)

Our cover girl is NHN; she is of the social and inspirational fame on IG who has given a literal meaning to ‘Sunday Best’.
Unapologetic about her faith, her stance and her boldness, Nkechi or Mrs. H, as fondly referred to by her husband, is one of the most popular fashion-preneurs and premium fabric stockists on this side of the globe.
She has taken decency to the runway beyond Lagos, to the Middle East and Eastern Europe.
She fears no competition in the fashion entrepreneur space.
She is the undaunted devil-stomper, who stands #bold in the face of trials and tests, and says she has of course seen many.
Photo shoot.play
Photo shoot.
 (Today's Woman)

The ever cheery Nkechi Harry-Ngonadi is a wife, mother, influencer and decency advocate, who is unafraid to spread the gospel of decorum and her unshakeable faith in God; she shares her patience story to serve as an inspiration to anyone, young and old.
