Millen Magaese Model and her miracle son, Prince Kairo, pose on the cover of Genevieve magazine

Millen Magese gave birth to her son Prince Kairo last year after a long and difficult battle with endometriosis and now she tells her story.
Millen Magese and her son Prince Kairo on the cover of Genevieve magazine

Tanzanian supermodel Millen Magese and her struggles with endometriosis are well documented. The model however overcame the disease to give birth to her miracle son Prince Kairo last year. She and her son pose on the cover of Genevieve magazine as she talks about her journey.

After years of battling endometriosis, a disorder in which the membranes that are supposed to line the inside of the uterus extend outside of it, causing severe pain during menstruation because they can’t be broken down and shed, Millen's doctors confirmed that her IVF procedure was successful and that she was pregnant in October 2016.
Millen was diagnosed with endometriosis at the tender age of 25 and it was an uphill battle trying to fight the disease, raise awareness and ensure that she would be able to have children of her own someday.
The Editor of Genevieve magazine, Betty Irabor, posted the cover on her Instagram followed by this heartfelt caption:
And then came Baby!!
This has got to be one of the most emotional and traumatic interviews we have had to do at Genevieve. Millen Magese is a Champ! Delicate and strong at the same time. We had put pressure on her to meet our deadline and as she cannot handle pressure because of her condition she just broke down, wept and began to bleed. That particular video call summarized for me what a million words could not have spelt out about living withEndometriosis. That moment, we understood better how very debilitating and devastating this Health issue can really be. Then Came Baby Kairo is a story of hope in the midst of hopelessness. Millen @ladivamillen wanted a baby and a baby she got ..Doctors had recommend hysterectomy in order for her to have a life devoid of pain but she said, let me try IVF just one more time..That one more time produced a baby, a treasure.. Read the full interview by downloading the Digital Genevieve .. now available!
